There are other options, so for detailed instructions on the multitude of ways to download the Despecialized Editions online, see HanDuet's Google doc, which was reviewed and approved by Harmy himself. It will take some time to download these! The files are pretty large (the MKVs can be around 20 GB each), so keep that in mind. However, torrented versions may be altered from Harmy's versions, and may contain malicious content, so beware. The laziest way is to just search The Pirate Bay or Kickass Torrents to search and download the files using a torrent software. The second best option to get the real deals on tehPARADOX and use JDownloader to download many different RAR files and combine them together.

The easiest way to download legit version of the Despecialized Editions would be to use the private torrent method, but if you don't have a MySpleen account, it's almost impossible to get.

How to Download the Original Trilogy Unadulterated In my opinion, skip the prequels altogether, or try out the Machete Order if you must watch them. If you plan on seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I highly recommend you watch these versions beforehand.